The Baron Outlook

11 January 1975
ATV Networks Production

Screenplay: Dave Freeman
Executive Producer: Peter Rogers
Producer: Gerald Thomas
Director: Alan Tarrant

Baron Hubert...Sid James
Marie...Barbara Windsor
Lady Isobel...Joan Sims
Sir William...Kenneth Connor
Friar Roger...Peter Butterworth
Sir Simon de Montfort...David Lodge

Gaston...Brian Osborne
Griselda...Diane Langton
Ethelbert...John Carlin
Rosie...Linda Hooks
Herald...Anthony Trent

(Included on Carry On Doctor DVD)

The Story

The English have invaded France. Sir Gaston de Lyon escapes capture by exchanging clothes with Marie, his busty female page. He is last seen being chased by a couple of randy soldiers. Meanwhile, Marie is captured and brought back to England, to the castle of Baron Hubert FitzBovine, owner of the Tower of Cleethorpes. There, she will spend the rest of her days prisoner...or at least until Baron Hubert finds out she's a woman...




Sid James steals the best parts in this completely devoid of storyline sketch. Freeman uses a premise of a woman dressed as a man to try to inject humour in to the part (which he uses later in Columbus). There are a few classic lines ("Once I was known as Europe's greatest Knight!", "You play your cards right mate and you still could be"). Peter Butterworth falls back on to his bumbling character (as used in Dick) and provides good support to the rest of the cast.

Robert Ross